Zack Read online

Page 10

  Today’s client wants unique engagement photos so I take them to the train tracks on the edge of town. The two of them walking on the tracks makes for striking photos and the imagery is perfect. Starting a journey together. Traveling through life side-by-side. It’s perfect. The couple is so much fun to shoot that I lose track of time and the afternoon flies by.

  By the time I get home it’s almost five o’clock. Izzie is downstairs watching television and James is in the kitchen eating a sandwich. When I enter the room, neither of them looks at me. There’s a weird tension in the room, like I’ve just walked into the middle of an argument.

  Izzie has been surprisingly cool about Jamie crashing here but I make a mental note to find out how long he plans to be in town. Having a house guest is always a bit of an adjustment and I don’t want to impose on her hospitality for too long.

  I set my camera bag down on one of the kitchen chairs and pull down a glass from the cabinet.

  “What’s going on?”

  Jamie glances over and takes another huge bite of his sandwich. “Nothing,” he mumbles.

  I fill the glass at the sink and gulp down the water. “Okay, well I have to get ready to go.”

  I can’t afford to show up late, either. My mother will definitely notice and she’s already going to be shocked when she sees my date. I’ve never cared that Zack doesn’t fit into the image of what my parents think is an appropriate partner for me but bringing him tonight is making a statement they won’t be able to ignore. I’m not fooling myself that they’ll be nice about it either.

  Maybe I should just risk my mother’s wrath by skipping tonight. Hearing her fuss tomorrow might be worth avoiding the drama that’s sure to come tonight. Although Zack might be annoyed if I change my mind at the last minute. I mean, he had to go buy a tux just to come. My shoulders sag. The whole thing is so pretentious.

  “Where are you going?” Izzie finally gets up and wanders into the kitchen. She sits at the kitchen table.

  “We have our parents’ anniversary party tonight. Zack is coming to pick me up in an hour. My photo shoot took longer than expected so I have to hurry. It’ll take me at least an hour to shower and do my hair. Forget actually getting dressed.”

  “Zack is taking you? No wonder you’re acting like such a nervous wreck.”

  “I’m not a wreck!” I almost drop the glass but manage to catch it. The little bit of water in the bottom sloshes out onto the floor.

  Izzie gets up and takes the water glass from my hand. Jamie hands her a paper towel and she wipes up the mess on the floor.

  “Sit down. You’re making me nervous shaking like that.”

  I sit at the table and rest my head in my hands. “This is a bad idea.”

  She sits next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. “Why? Tell me what’s so bad about taking a guy you’re crazy about with you to a family event?”

  “You know how my parents are. They’re so obsessed with appearances. Zack has never cared what anyone thinks and I love that about him. I just hate the idea of anyone making fun of him. Not because I care what they think but because I don’t want him to have to put up with that crap because of me.”

  “Maybe you’re worrying for nothing. I’m pretty sure Zack can handle himself.”

  “I know. You’re totally right. He’ll probably show up tonight with his hair in spikes wearing a purple tuxedo just to shake things up.”

  She laughs. “I’d love to see that. Your parents could use a little shaking up if you ask me.”

  Jamie pushes away from the counter. “Why don’t you come with us? When I replied to the invitation a few months ago that was before Erica and I broke up. So I have two seats.”

  Izzie stares at him and then her eyes shift over to me. “Really? You don’t mind?”

  He pauses for an uncomfortably long time. Then says, “Of course not. It’ll be fun. I bet our table will be the liveliest one there. I’m usually just pretending to pay attention. This will be the first time I’m actually having fun.”

  “Get dressed up and go to a fancy party? Twist my arm, why don’t ya!”

  We both laugh as Izzie runs upstairs, no doubt to tear apart her closet and find something to wear. A few minutes later Izzie yells down the stairs. “Jo, you’d better hurry up!”

  I glance at the clock over the oven. “Oh, crap. She’s right.”

  Zack will be here soon and I’ll still be wearing jeans with my hair in a bun. I pat Jamie on the arm as I pass by.

  “Thanks for inviting Izzie to come along. I know you did it to make me feel better and I appreciate it. It’ll be nice to have a few people in my corner.”

  Jamie glances away, obviously uncomfortable with the praise. “It’s no big deal. I want you to be happy. You have the right to be with who you want. If Zack is that guy, then I’ll do whatever I can to help you out.”

  I leave him in the kitchen staring into space, probably wondering how he got roped into entertaining Izzie’s crazy ass for the night.


  Zack still hasn’t arrived by the time Izzie and Jamie leave. The extra time allows me to pin my hair up in a more complicated knot than usual and curl the tendrils of hair around my face. He likes my hair loose so I’ve left the front a little more messy than usual so the updo doesn’t look so stiff.

  I’m wearing a shimmering blue gown with the silver Louboutin sandals my mother gave me for my birthday. The dress is cut conservatively but slips and slides over my curves in a way that always makes me feel sexy.

  The extra time is going to be so worth it when I see Zack’s face. Although when I open the door at his knock, the shock is on me. Zack stands in the doorway wearing a black tuxedo that looks perfectly fitted. With his dark hair slicked back, I almost don’t recognize him.

  He raises his eyebrows when he sees my shock. “Pretty fancy for a mechanic, huh?”

  I lick my lips appreciatively. “I’ll say. Very impressive.”

  He holds out his arm and escorts me down the driveway.

  “Where’s your car?” I ask after we’re on the way. He’s driving Gabe’s sleek black Audi R8 instead of his usual car.

  “I figured it might be a bit much for the country club crowd. Disappointed?”

  “You know it. I love that car.”

  “We had a new customer come in looking for some custom updates on a Venom GT.”

  He snickers as I almost break my neck swiveling in my seat. “Are you serious? Do you think they’d mind if I took pictures?”

  “I’m sure he wouldn’t but I’ll ask.” He chuckles at my excitement.

  After hanging out with him and Gabe for so long, it’s only natural that I fell in love with cars right along with them. Jim started teaching them about cars after he caught them trying to steal one of his. Luckily he took an interest in two fatherless boys instead of turning them in to the cops.

  By the time I met them, they were both already proficient mechanics. I remember plenty of weekends tagging along with them to the garage where Jim worked back then.

  We pull up to the front of the club and one of the valets opens my door. I accept his hand to get out of the car without tripping over my dress. Zack meets me and together we walk through the entryway and into the ballroom. It’s been decorated with tons of white roses, my mother’s favorite flower.

  As soon as we enter the room, I see my parents. My father is in a dove gray tuxedo and mom’s dress is a deep violet that complements him. When she sees us, her lips tighten. She taps on my father’s arm to get his attention and they move toward us.

  “Hi, Mom. Dad. Happy Anniversary.” I greet them both with a hug.

  “That dress is very becoming, Josie.” It’s rare to get a compliment from my mother and the fact that she’s making an effort to be pleasant is a relief.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Hi pumpkin. Have you been here long?” My father glances at Zack standing just behind me after he returns my hug.

  A burble of laughter threa
tens to spring from my throat as I realize he probably had no idea I broke up with Perry. Very little penetrates through to him unless it’s relevant to his business.

  “We just arrived. Mom, Dad, you both remember Zack Marshall?”

  “Zack. Of course. Of course.” Dad recovers quickly from his befuddlement and shakes hands with Zack heartily enough.

  My mother smiles tightly but doesn’t offer her hand. “Hello again, Zachary.”

  “Lovely to see you, Mrs. Harlow. Happy anniversary.”

  Her demeanor softens at the sentiment. “Thank you so much.”

  Wow. I glance at Zack from the corner of my eye. He’s really making an effort to be polite. My mother hasn’t been this pleasant to him the entire time she’s known him. As they move on to mingle with the other guests, I’m feeling cautiously optimistic. Maybe this won’t be the disaster I feared.

  Every year, Jamie and I are seated with my parents at the front table so I already know where to go. We weave our way between the tables toward the front and I stop every so often to say hello to people I recognize. I’m careful to introduce Zack but not to linger too long. I don’t want to use up his quota of social interaction so early in the night.

  My grandparents are also seated at our table so I introduce them to Zack before sitting down. There’s already champagne on the table and I take a healthy sip, hoping it will calm my nerves. The napkin on Jamie’s seat is unfolded and I recognize Isabelle’s wrap on the back of the chair next to me so I know they’re here somewhere.

  “Geez, you weren’t kidding about this being boring.”

  When I look over at Zack in horror, he grins. “I’m kidding. Take a breath, sweetheart. You look like you’re about to pass out.”

  I’m relieved that he seems to be so calm. A few people are staring, mainly friends of Perry’s, but otherwise it’s not so bad. The servers come around with salads and I ask for oil and vinegar.

  “Thank you,” Zack says when the server leaves.

  “For what?”

  “Asking for the oil and vinegar. Even though he should know my diet better than anyone, even Gabe forgets sometimes.”

  “Of course. To be honest, the way you eat has always inspired me to be healthier. I would have never known how much hidden sugar is in everything if I hadn’t had a reason to think about it.”

  “Still, thank you. It’s tiring sometimes to always be the person asking for something different.”

  After about ten minutes, Jamie and Isabelle appear with my parents right behind them. Jamie pulls out the chair next to me so Izzie can sit down. My father is on his other side. He gives me a look that makes me giggle. He’s in for a night of hearing our father drone on about whatever case he’s currently working on.

  The oil and vinegar arrives then and we make meaningless conversation while we munch on our salads.

  When the servers start bringing out the main course, it occurs to me that I ordered beef for Perry when I originally responded to the invitation. Then I immediately feel guilty for not remembering this earlier. Zack rarely eats red meat. Managing his diabetes is a delicate balance. Whenever we go out to eat, Zack usually goes to the bathroom after we order to give himself however much insulin he’ll need for dinner. He usually sticks to chicken, fish and vegetables mainly.

  I lean over to Zack and whisper, “You can have my chicken plate. The side is some kind of vegetable medley. I can find out what it is.”

  “That’s fine. It’s not a problem.”

  After I direct the server to give Zack my chicken plate, he excuses himself to go to the bathroom. He comes back five minutes later. He winks as he sits down. The steak is succulent and juicy and I’m soon too busy eating to worry anymore. Izzie leans over whispering the tidbits she’s overhearing from the table behind her and Zack is having a spirited conversation with my Nana Harlow.

  My father’s mother is a bit irreverent anyway and the twinkle in her eye tells me she’s enjoying having such an attentive neighbor. Although they seem to be having a pleasant conversation, Zack’s smile is a little strained and he keeps tugging at his bowtie. I figure this has to be killing him.

  After our plates are taken away, the dance floor starts to fill. Jamie stands and holds out a hand to a surprised Isabelle. She glances at me and then takes it. I turn to Zack.

  “Do you want to dance?”

  He looks relieved and we follow Izzie and Jamie to the dance floor. We find room amidst the swaying couples and he seems to relax for the first time since we’ve arrived.

  “Is that better?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You seemed really tense back there. I thought maybe getting away from the table would help.”

  “I’m not tense. I’m fine.”

  But I can tell he’s lying. He can hide his emotions from everyone else but not from me. Not anymore.

  “What’s really wrong, Zack? Do you want to leave? We can. We’ve been here long enough.”

  He immediately looks chagrined. “Nothing’s wrong. Sorry, I don’t want to ruin this for you. I’m just not used to this kind of thing. And I’m trying not to step on your feet.”

  I pull him closer. “You don’t seem to have any problem moving your body, Zack. In any way.”

  Finally a real smile appears. I rest my head on his shoulder. I was so worried about this earlier and all my fears seem so silly now. I showed up with Zack and the world didn’t end. My parents weren’t overly warm but they weren’t outright rude either so that’s probably about the best I can hope for.

  When I open my eyes, Perry is right next to us, dancing with a tall skinny blonde. He looks just as surprised to see me. Or rather to see me in someone else’s arms.

  “Josie! Nice to see you.” His eyes slide over to Zack. “Hello.”

  Zack’s arm tenses around my waist. “Hey.”

  I straighten up. “Perry. What are you doing here?” He was originally supposed to escort me but after we broke up, I’d assumed that he wouldn’t come.

  He looks uncomfortable at the direct questioning. “I’m here with my parents.”

  I glance over my shoulder and see Mr. and Mrs. Staunchfield talking to my father. I sigh. In addition to doing business together, his father and mine have been golf buddies for years so I should have expected that he might be here anyway.

  “Of course. How have you been?”

  “Busy. My dad has been keeping us all in the office around the clock. Oh, I’m being rude. Josie, this is Blythe Wyndham. She’s one of the new project managers we’ve just hired.”

  Blythe holds out her hand reluctantly. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you, too. This is my friend, Zack Marshall.”

  Blythe hangs on to Zack’s hand a little longer than appropriate, something Perry doesn’t seem to notice. He doesn’t even seem to notice she’s there at all.

  “You look good, Jo.” His voice lowers and even though it’s a common thing to say, it comes across as incredibly familiar considering our history.

  “Uh, thanks. You too.” He’s still staring at me and I can tell Zack is starting to get pissed off.

  I imagine how this must look to him. Perry is tall, dark and handsome in a very clean-cut All-American kind of way just like Gabe. Basically the anti-Zack. No wonder he found it hard to believe me when I told him how I felt. Suddenly I want to be anywhere but here.

  “Well, it was lovely to meet you, Blythe. I’ll see you around, Perry.”

  Zack turns us in the other direction but over his shoulder I can see Perry still watching us.

  chapter nine



  Josie is quiet as we leave the dance floor. She follows as I head straight for the bar. I order a light beer and a glass of champagne for her. I’m almost afraid to speak because with the way I’m feeling anything I say will be either snarky or accusatory.

  “Why is he even here?” I say, finally.

  “His parents are close friends with mine.”
  “So he’ll be at every family event then? Great.”

  When Josie’s shoulders curl inward, I immediately regret the sarcasm. I’m not sure why I’m suddenly so pissed when I knew she dated Perry for almost a year. Plus, she’s the one who broke it off. It wasn’t like she was dumped and is pining away for the guy.

  I have the ultimate proof that she wasn’t that close to him.

  “Let’s go back to the table. I don’t want you to miss dessert.”

  She shrugs. “I don’t care about that. We can say goodbye to everyone and then we can leave early.”

  Guilt makes me determined to put on a smile and be as fake as the rest of the people here. Jo has been on edge all night and I’ve tried not to embarrass her. She cares what these people think even if I can’t figure out why.

  I just want her to be happy.

  We haven’t been sitting for more than a minute when a shadow falls over my shoulder and I look up.

  Perry is standing right behind us.

  “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow. I wanted to make sure I got a chance to say Happy Anniversary before I left.” He rounds the table to greet them. They both react like he’s some kind of long-lost relative just returning home.

  Oh for fucks sake.

  Mrs. Harlow stands¸ her arms outstretched. “How sweet! Thank you, Perry. You’re always so thoughtful!”

  It’s hard not to contrast her reaction to when I said the same thing earlier.

  Then I hear, “Oh no. He’s not her boyfriend! Josie has been running around with them since she was a kid. They’re practically siblings! You know that.”

  I clench my jaw so hard I’m surprised I don’t break a tooth. Josie stiffens beside me so I know she’s heard it, too. She pushes her chair back and clutches her jeweled bag to her chest.

  “We’re going to leave. I’ll see you guys at home.” She hugs Isabelle and then leans over to say something to her brother.

  Perry shakes hands with Josie’s father. I can’t hear what they’re talking about from across the table but Jo has mentioned before that her parents only wanted her with Perry since their families have done business together.