Enforce (The Force Duet Book 2) Read online
Page 12
JJ nodded. She already knew that in her heart, but it helped to hear it stated. Being with David had damaged her confidence in her own judgment and decision making. But sometimes when things in life were shitty, all you could do was grab onto anything good. And this was good. Being with Jonas was explosive and intense but also sweet and comforting. If you’d asked her just a few months ago if she thought this kind of happiness and trust was possible, she would have flat out denied it. I’ve become a believer, she thought as she gazed into his eyes.
His love had made her a believer.
“Kiss me, Jonas. Make me forget all this craziness and all this fear. Let’s have one more night where it’s just us.”
Jonas watched her with knowing eyes then smiled that gentle lilt of his lips that she loved. “It’s not going to be just one night, baby. Something this good is meant to be.”
Despite his words, he pulled her close and covered her lips with his. JJ could taste the saltiness of her tears mingling with his distinctive flavor but didn’t stop. Instead she held him closer. If she’d learned anything over the course of her life, it was that right now was all she had. Each moment was to be savored, and there was so much to taste and touch and hold.
“You’re so strong,” she whispered. Her cheeks warmed when their eyes met. “I love everything about you.”
“Stop. You’re going to make me blush.”
JJ nuzzled the strong pecs that she loved to rest her head against. His sharp intake of breath when her lips skimmed over his nipple thrilled her. With one hand he reached over his head and yanked his shirt off. Immediately her hands were out, caressing the silken skin and pressing against the hard muscle beneath.
“I love your hair and those big blue eyes. Nothing in the world affects me like seeing those eyes watching me. You make me stand taller, JJ.”
Determined not spend any more time worrying, JJ tugged at his belt. The hard length pressing against the front of his jeans was practically pointing at her already. Maybe once she had him in her hand, she could forget all the bad things lurking in the background and just enjoy this precious connection they’d forged together.
“Hey, it’s all going to be okay.” JJ covered his hand with hers and together they slid the zipper of his jeans down. He stood briefly to push them off, almost tripping as he rushed to remove his boots.
JJ laughed and then followed his lead, their eyes never leaving each other as articles of clothing flew around them, landing in piles on the floor. They came together on the bed in a pile of naked skin, seeking mouths, and greedy hands.
Jonas let out a deep moan when her hands landed on his ass and squeezed.
“Damn, you don’t play fair.”
She bit his ear. “No, I don’t. You know what I want.”
He reached over to the nightstand and pulled out a condom. “A guy tries to have some finesse and no one appreciates it.”
She helped him put the condom on, pushing it down his length with gentle strokes. “Oh I appreciate all of your finesse.”
He clenched his teeth. “You really don’t play fair. Your hands feel amazing on me.”
Suddenly he turned them so that she was straddling him. Turnabout was fair play, and JJ found herself hovering right over his hard cock, the length brushing against her clit every time she breathed.
“Ride me, baby. Show me how much you want it.”
Hearing him ask for it was so arousing. JJ loved how they could say anything to each other.
“That’s what you want?” she teased, lowering herself to rock back and forth against him. His hands landed on her hips and JJ gasped as the tip of his cock slipped in.
Teasing him had become her own personal torture. So she decided she’d earned her satisfaction. Placing her hands firmly on his chest, JJ bore down, taking him all the way in. Her muscles clamped down on him immediately, the erotic drag through her tight muscles making her shiver.
“Every time,” Jonas gritted out. “You fucking destroy me. Every single time.”
JJ panted as she worked her hips, every thrust hitting right in the perfect spot. All the while his hands roamed her skin, making her senses sing and spreading the tingling sensations all over.
“God, Jonas. I feel you everywhere.”
His eyes glittered with satisfaction. “That’s what I want. I want you to feel how much I love you so you’ll always know.”
And she could feel it, with every movement of his hips and every brush of his fingertips. Love was dripping all over them, and JJ wanted to roll in it until it was a permanent stain on her skin.
“I do feel it,” she gasped. Then it was all too much, and the orgasm that had been building all along broke over her like a tidal wave. She slapped a hand over her mouth, trying to keep from screaming, but Jonas leaned up and swallowed the sound with his lips.
And as she broke apart, he put her back together with every touch.
Jonas called on all the strength he had to hang on through her orgasm. It was captivating to watch JJ when she was so vulnerable, a view that he was privileged to witness. And one he hoped he’d see multiple times before they were through.
It took a few minutes before she opened her eyes again. Her hair was flying all around her head, and her gorgeous blue eyes were glassy.
“You didn’t…” she looked down at him in confusion.
Jonas pulled her forward until she collapsed on his chest. “Oh you didn’t think I was going to let you off that easily, did you? I plan on keeping you up all night.”
Her soft laugh puffed warm across his chest. “You’re going to kill me! I can barely catch my breath.”
Jonas flipped them, ignoring her squeal. He was going to get so much shit for this from the guys, but he didn’t care.
JJ covered her eyes with her hands. “Did everyone hear me scream again? Tell me that was quiet.”
Even though he’d just been having a similar thought, Jonas wasn’t going to bullshit her. She was too smart for that anyway.
“Probably. But who cares? Hell, let them listen. Maybe they’ll pick up a few pointers.”
JJ giggled, her eyes shining. “I’ll be sure to mention that to Oskar tomorrow morning.”
That got a chuckle out of Jonas, too. “This whole situation is crazy but honestly, I’m grateful that we all ended up here. There’s no one else I’d want watching my back in this situation.”
She sobered instantly. “I know. Maybe that’s how I need to look at things. That I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.” Her fingers trailed through his hair and Jonas could have purred like a cat at the feeling.
“You’re meant to be with me. I knew that the first time I heard that smart mouth.”
“Like yours is any better.” JJ opened her mouth to say something else, but the words dissolved into a soft sigh as he kissed her on the breastbone.
“What was that?” he asked innocently. Then he trailed his lips over the dents of her ribs and licked gently over her belly button.
“Nothing. I wouldn’t want to distract you while you’re busy.” JJ’s fingers tangled in his hair again and held him against her.
Jonas grumbled in appreciation as her legs fell open. One large hand on her abdomen held her still as he licked her clit delicately.
“Oh!” JJ shuddered so hard she almost dislodged his hand.
He fucking loved pleasuring her this way, surrounded by her warm, sugary, female scent and hearing her helpless little cries. There was no greater feeling of sexual mastery than to have your woman melting beneath your tongue and so lost in pleasure that she screamed your name.
He worked her faster, flicking her clit with the exact rhythm he knew would take her up quickly. Then just when she was about to fall over the edge, he throttled back, licking all around and kissing her mound gently. She let out a soft sound of disgruntlement but was soon whimpering again when he attacked her clit. He took her even higher and closer this time before backing off again.
JJ’s fingers clenched in his hai
r so hard he saw stars. “What are you doing?”
“Easy, baby. It’ll be even better if you work for it.” He nipped at her belly and she moaned.
“I don’t want to work for it. This is torture.”
“Erotic torture.” Jonas pushed a finger gently through the clenching muscles that were hungrily looking for something to grasp.
Her head fell back again. “Yes, just like that.”
“I’m going to give you what you need. I’ll always give you what you need,” Jonas whispered, seeing how his soft words stoked her desire even higher. She nodded frantically as he continued whispering to her, and he saw the exact moment when she lost control.
And he cherished watching the only woman he’d ever truly loved.
JJ came down slowly, blinking sleepily at him. “You are entirely too good at that.”
He grinned. “You definitely know how to make a guy feel good. But it’s no hardship licking that sweet pussy, baby. I plan on making a meal of you every chance I can. So get used to screaming.”
JJ covered her eyes with her hands but it didn’t hide her red cheeks. “You know, Lucia said we’re perfect for each other. She's totally right. Because I didn’t think anyone had a mouth as filthy as mine!”
He grabbed another condom, cursing softly when he saw there was only one left. From now on, he was buying those things in bulk. He needed the lifetime supply because he was for damn sure going to be making love to her for at least that long.
The image of him as a randy eighty year old still chasing after JJ to squeeze her ass made him smile.
“You love me filthy.”
JJ’s satisfied smile was almost as good as an orgasm.
“You bet your ass I do.”
chapter 15
The next few days they existed in a state of deliberate avoidance. JJ was busy pretending that the guys weren’t plotting a dangerous mission to find her ex. Jonas pretended that the entire situation wasn’t happening and made it a point to shower JJ with affection, reassurance and plenty of nights distracting her with sex so good that he didn’t think she give a damn who heard her screaming.
But like all good things, it had to come to an end. JJ chewed her thumbnail next to Jonas as they watched Noah kissing Lucia goodbye.
“We’re going to get this asshole, and then I’ll be home before you wake up. Okay?” Noah stroked her face and looked into her eyes so intimately that Jonas was embarrassed to watch.
JJ turned to face Jonas. “I think this is a mistake.”
He kept his face placid. This was a conversation they’d had many times over the past few days. Maybe she thought if she kept saying it, they’d change their approach. But they were following intel Matthias had found. JJ was upset that they were going in the opposite direction of Bliss, where she was pretty sure David would be hiding out. They’d already sent someone to check it out, but there was nothing there except a quiet town with friendly inhabitants.
“I know, baby. And I am going to look forward to saying ‘I told you so’ tomorrow morning.”
“Wake me when you get in. I don’t care how late it is,” JJ insisted.
Jonas wasn’t fooling himself that she would get any sleep anyway. More than likely she and Lucia would stay up, binge watch some shows on Netflix, and pretend they weren’t both dying inside wondering if their men were okay. He understood because he understood how JJ worked. And he loved that she cared about him enough to worry, even if he hated to put her through this.
“Okay. I’ll wake you.”
“I still really think that you or Noah should have gone to Bliss to check things out. And you guys are going in the complete opposite direction.”
Jonas nodded. “I know. But the trail is hotter where we’re going. You know how good Matthias is at this stuff. He wouldn’t lead us astray. This is our best chance to end this.”
JJ sighed. “That’s what I want. For this to be over and for things to go back to the way they used to be.”
Lucia’s voice interrupted from behind her. “You mean when I was running from a stalker and almost got kidnapped?”
JJ turned and accepted a hug from her friend. “I guess there’s no normal for us, huh?”
“Probably not. But that’s okay. I’ll settle for safe and happy. Normal is boring.”
Noah approached just then. Jonas could tell he was also armed to the teeth. Oskar appeared behind him with his grim face on. Dylan and Rafe stood at the doorway to the room but didn’t enter. A few seconds later, Matthias appeared from down the hallway where his room was, dressed in all black and looking as lethal as Jonas had ever seen him.
“I guess it’s time,” JJ muttered. She turned to Jonas and hugged him tightly. Her softness pressed against his jacket, bumping against all the weapons underneath.
The thought of her pressing against all that metal sent a cold chill through him. What if this was the last time he’d ever get to hold her like this? His heart started racing, and he sucked in a desperate breath. He wished and prayed to a God he wasn’t even sure he believed in before finally releasing her. Her arms slid from around his waist slowly. JJ didn’t seem any more excited about letting go than he was, but at the same time, Jonas didn’t want to leave her worried or upset.
This was going to be tricky enough as it was, even with a whole team going up against David. The thought of her upset would only distract him. They all needed to be on their A game tonight.
“Give me a kiss for luck,” he whispered.
She leaned up to kiss him. Maybe she could read the worry in his eyes because she pasted on a smile and said, “Okay, I think Lucia and I are going to have a movie marathon.”
Noah nodded at her appreciatively before kissing Lucia again. “That sounds good. Dylan will be watching over Nonna, just in case. Ryan will be here if you need anything.”
“You mean he got stuck being our babysitter,” Lucia teased.
Noah only smiled before motioning to the other guys. They all fell in line behind him as they left the room. Lucia grabbed her hand and squeezed hard. JJ clung to hers just as tightly.
Jonas turned back and walked up to JJ. “I just want you to know that we’re not giving up. Even if this trail goes cold, we’ll go check out Bliss. But no matter what, we’ll get him. Okay?”
She nodded. “Okay. I trust you.”
He kissed her quickly and then ran out after the others.
As soon as the door closed behind Jonas, Lucia let go of her hand. She turned to JJ with a gleam in her eye.
“We aren’t really trusting them to do this, are we?”
JJ snorted. “Hell no. I just have no idea what to do yet. But we’re definitely not going to sit here and watch movies like good little womenfolk, or whatever.”
Lucia snickered. “Good. I was starting to get worried about you. Things are going to be tricky with Delaney here.”
They both turned surreptitiously to look at Ryan. He was moving around the kitchen making a sandwich. When he felt both of their eyes on him, he paused and raised his eyebrows in question.
JJ waved prettily. “This is going to be a problem,” she muttered out of the side of her mouth. “He might be younger, but all of these guys are paranoid as hell. It won’t be easy to get around him.”
Lucia hummed in agreement. “I know. But I think I have an idea. I just need to make a call.”
While Lucia went to her room, JJ figured it would make the most sense to proceed as if the movie marathon was actually going to take place. She gathered several throw blankets and brought them to the couch then queued up Netflix to a show that she’d never seen before. When Ryan looked up again, JJ walked to the kitchen.
“Do you want to share some popcorn with us?”
Ryan nodded. “Sure. What are you guys going to watch?”
Lucia came into the room with Isabella balanced on her hip. “Weren’t we going to watch that breastfeeding documentary, JJ?” The innocent look on her face didn’t waver as Ryan’s expression changed to one
of horror.
“Oh, no. That’s okay. I’ll let you two have some girl time.” He snatched up his sandwich and left the kitchen.
A few seconds later, a door closed down the hallway. JJ burst into laughter. “You seriously just scarred the poor boy for life.”
Lucia grinned. “Desperate times. If our plan is going to work, we need him off kilter.”
“Plan? We have a plan now?”
“We do. Nonna is coming over to watch the baby and then we are going to go check out Bliss, Connecticut.”
“Uh oh. When I said I wanted to do something, I didn’t mean something that would put you in danger.” JJ didn’t want to lead her friend into trouble. She didn’t want to think about Lucia exposed to David’s special brand of crazy.
“Not me, but you’ll put yourself in danger?” Lucia demanded. “No way. We’ve been friends a long time. If you wanted to keep me away from trouble, well I have to tell you, that ship sailed the day we met. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
JJ shook her head. “Noah is going to kill us. What am I saying? Jonas will too. That’s if we can even get out of here. Ryan might allow Nonna to take the baby since Dylan is covering her. But there’s no way he’s going to let us walk out of here without him. Which means we’re not getting anywhere near Bliss tonight.”
Just then there was a knock on the door. Ryan came from the back immediately. If he was surprised to see them standing around talking instead of watching movies the way he’d expected, he didn’t show it. After confirming who it was, he opened the door to a beaming Nonna.
“There’s my bambina!” Nonna walked forward with her arms outstretched. Isabella let out a full belly laugh and tried to throw herself out of her mother’s arms.
Ryan closed the door and then smiled at the older woman. Nonna had all of the men at Blake Security wrapped around her little finger. Or maybe mesmerized by the delicious homemade Italian food she brought over all the time.
“Ryan, I brought tiramisu. Dylan is bringing it up. I know how much you love it.”
Ryan practically melted into a puddle of drool. “Tiramisu? I do love it. Thank you so much, Mrs. DeMarco.”