Enforce (The Force Duet Book 2) Read online

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  What would happen to her friend if they couldn’t rescue Isabella? It would destroy her. It was the worst thing in the world to see destruction coming for you on the horizon when you were locked in place and could do nothing to stop it.

  “I’m okay. Physically.”

  Lucia pushed her hair back. “That’s not what I asked.”

  JJ sucked in a tremulous breath. “He’s insane, Lucia. I don’t know what to do. He was enjoying it, denying everything and watching me lose it. I don’t know what he’ll do next, but I am terrified. I bet Noah is wishing you’d never met me.”

  “We can’t give up. I have to believe that there’s a purpose to all of this.” Lucia lay down next to her and grabbed her hand. “And Noah loves you like a sister, just like I do. Everyone here loves you. I’ll have to keep telling you that until you finally believe it.”

  “If you don’t mind, Lucia, I’ll take over from here.”

  Jonas’s deep voice cut through the room, startling them both. Lucia squeezed her hand before getting up. She patted Jonas on the arm on the way out.

  “Hey,” JJ said finally, not sure what else to say. Part of her was afraid to ask exactly where he’d been. She wasn’t sure she could take any more bad news today.

  “Hey,” Jonas whispered back before lying down next to her. He rolled over so their lips were only a few inches apart. “You should listen to your friend, you know. Everyone here loves you. You’re not just someone they put up with to make Lucia happy. They adore you in your own right.”

  JJ closed her eyes, mortified that he could zero in on her insecurities so easily. It was impossible to hold any resentment toward Lucia, even though she was the delicately beautiful, feminine ideal that JJ had never quite been able to meet. Lucia was all sweetness and light while JJ was all gunpowder and hot sauce. She couldn’t help that there were definitely times when she’d felt people only tolerated her because she was friends with Lucia.

  “I love them, too. That’s why this is so hard. Being here is putting them all at risk. It’s selfish of me to stay. I should just run away, somewhere David will never find me.”

  Jonas grabbed her so suddenly she squeaked. In the next few seconds, she found herself pressed beneath two hundred pounds of pissed-off but completely aroused male. He flexed his hips, driving his hard cock between her legs. JJ moaned at the contact, the pressure hitting right where she ached.

  “First of all, you aren’t going anywhere.” He kissed her on the neck, sucking right over her pulse. “Second of all, if you run, I’ll follow you. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Jessica Jones.”

  One minute she was staring into his eyes, the next she was wrapped around him, her legs twined with his and her arms clamped around his neck. He was what she needed, that port in the storm that made her feel safe.

  JJ held on to him for dear life, kissing every bit of skin within reach. Maybe she could merge into him and lose this desperate feeling of isolation. Jonas seemed to understand what she wanted because he kissed her for long moments, tangling their tongues together while holding her closer, one of his big hands tucked under her ass, holding her in place for the slow, rolling movement of his hips.

  “I’ve got you, baby,” he whispered.

  JJ moaned when he bit her lip gently. She clutched at him, trying to get his shirt off. Jonas chuckled as he moved back slightly so she could tug at the cotton. “Take it easy, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”

  But JJ didn’t want to take it easy. She wanted it fast and hard, wanted to feel him everywhere. Anything to cover the feeling David’s eyes had painted on her skin.

  “Faster, Jonas. Please.”

  He raised his head, and whatever he saw in her eyes made him move. One arm reached behind him, and he yanked the shirt off in one smooth motion. JJ was on him immediately running her hands greedily over the golden brown skin revealed. He moaned low in his throat when she slid down and sucked at his nipples.

  “Christ, you’re trying to kill me.”

  JJ was lost in the sight, sensation and feel of his skin against her mouth. He tasted slightly salty and uniquely masculine. She tugged and yanked until she tossed the robe aside. Suddenly he flipped her over, his weight covering her back, pressing her into the mattress.

  “Hold on, angel. I know what you need.”

  He grabbed her hands and pushed them over her head. She struggled slightly at first, but a gentle kiss to her cheek made her relax. Just like that, she melted, completely safe in his embrace. He was going to take her, comfort her, pleasure her, and all she had to do was trust it.

  Trust him.

  “I need you, Jonas.” The admission felt like swallowing rocks. JJ wondered if she’d ever felt safe enough to admit that she needed anyone before.

  “I know you do, baby girl. I’m going to take care of you.”

  She reared up off the bed when his fingers made contact with the edge of her panties. Every touch, every brush of his lips against hers felt like live wires. Her skin was starving for him and so was she.

  “Jesus, you’re soaked for me already.” His voice was husky with desire and purely masculine appreciation.

  JJ normally would have made a smart comment, but her breath was stolen at the first thrust of his fingers. She cried out, remembering at the last minute that the others might be able to hear them and biting her lip.

  His mouth covered hers, sucking gently at the lip she’d abused. JJ let out a greedy sound as she ran her hands over his muscles. All the guys were in great shape, it was a prerequisite for their line of work, but none of them could compare to Jonas in her opinion. He was built on the slimmer side but his workout regime had packed his frame with muscle. She loved the feeling of him pressing into her.

  He tugged at the edge of her shirt and she held her arms over her head so he could pull it off. Jonas groaned at the sight of her in nothing but her panties. JJ lifted her hips so she could pull the panties down her legs, her eyes taking in his every motion as he struggled to get out of his boots and jeans. He hadn’t worn any underwear so as soon as he tugged his jeans down, his cock bobbed out, thick and ready. JJ leaned forward and sucked on the tip.

  “Christ. JJ, you can’t do that. I won’t last, baby” he warned.

  She smiled around him, reveling in his erotic curse as she hummed against his skin. His fingers tangled in her hair and she moaned again, incredibly turned on by the sharp tug at her roots. When she looked up at him, Jonas was watching her with slitted eyes, taking in the sight of her lips wrapped around his swollen cock.

  Something in her eyes must have set him off, because he tugged her back gently and then pushed her back on the bed. JJ started to protest but then lost her train of thought at the first touch of his skin against hers. His skin was so warm, burning against hers and she wanted to feel it all over her. But Jonas had other ideas, nuzzling her breast before sucking her tight nipple between his lips. He alternated between her breasts until JJ thought she’d scream, and then she did cry out when he entered her a moment later, his thick cock stretching her to the limit.

  “Oh my god.” JJ bit him on the shoulder, and his hiss of surprise mingled with her harsh breathing. It was all she could do to hang on, clutching his shoulders as he rolled his hips. As he tunneled deeper, she felt like they were melting into each other. That was what JJ wanted, to be overtaken and overpowered. To know that Jonas was in control and wouldn’t let anything bad happen.

  She needed to believe that.

  “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, baby. Believe that. You mean too much to me.” Jonas pushed the hair off her face and the motion was so tender it brought tears to her eyes. “I love you, JJ.”

  “I love you, too. So much.”

  JJ shuddered as waves of pleasure spread through her like lightning bolts. It was a struggle to keep her eyes open, but she didn’t want to miss a thing. Jonas didn’t disappoint her either, his face tightening a few moments later as he fought his own release.

�Come with me, baby.”

  As soon as he said the words, JJ let go, flying into a storm of light and sensation. His hands tightened under her bottom, and she heard his sexy-as-hell growl as he let go. The last thing she heard before she drifted off was Jonas telling her to rest and that she was safe with him.

  chapter 5

  Jonas's fucking eyes hurt. The throbbing had started behind his orbital bone as soon as they'd come back from the damn park yesterday. The motherfucker had played them. All of them.

  West had known he was under surveillance the whole time. He knew exactly where the cameras were, he knew exactly what moves they would make. Because they were moves that he would make. Because West and Noah had been trained by the same people. And so Blake Security had come up against a dead-end.

  Jonas still couldn't imagine the kind of pain that Noah was going through—to think that he had his child and then to have that hope ripped away from him, knowing the man who had done it had gotten away with it.

  Jonas had begged his friend to take some time off, but Noah wasn't having it. He said other people needed them too. But really, he could see Noah fraying at the edges. Lucia was practically catatonic. Matthias was still blaming himself. And JJ, well JJ was basically a shell of herself. He had no idea how to help except to be there.

  So he'd camped out at the penthouse, but he needed fresh clothes and a fucking moment to think. Because right now his best friend wasn't thinking clearly, and the woman he loved was blaming herself for everything. He needed a little separation to figure out what the fuck to do and then he'd go right back. Right back into the fray and support the people he loved most the best way he knew how.

  He parked his car in the garage and took the private elevator up, the tension rolling in his shoulders. Jesus, all he needed was a shower, and a good night’s sleep. The problem was sleep was hard to come by at the moment. Because every time anyone closed their eyes, all they thought about was Isabella and if she was okay. The good news was the nanny had seemed anti-murder, so very likely the baby was still alive.

  Yeah, because that's a small favor.

  He would still thank God for it, because after that bullshit meeting with Ian, they didn't have much else.

  When the elevator doors opened, the hairs on the back of his neck stood at attention. Something was wrong.

  He had his gun out of his holster and in his palm without even blinking. The closer he got to the apartment, the more his body gave him that heebie-geebie, creepy-crawly feeling. Something was definitely off. He walked to his apartment cautiously, and studied the door for any hints of a break in. But there weren't any. Not even scratches on the doorknob to indicate someone had attempted to pick it.

  Cautiously he stood to the side and tried to turn the knob. It gave way easily. Oh fuck. The door was unlocked. And he'd most definitely locked it after the last time he was here.

  Plus, his alarm system didn't go off. The moment that door opened, his phone should've chimed. But it didn't. Someone had disarmed it.

  For the love of fuck.

  Cautiously he stepped in, and cleared the main foyer and then the kitchen.

  Even though the hairs on his arms were now standing at attention, he had a feeling that the apartment was empty. And then he walked into the living room.

  No. No. No. No. No. No.

  Blood. Everywhere. “Oh Jesus. Jesus Christ.” His hand slapped for the lights on the wall. In the middle of his living room Katie was sprawled in a pool of her own blood. Oh God. And there was a baby carrier turned away from him.

  His heart hammered, and his mouth went dry. Oh God. No. Not Isabella. Please. God no.

  He ran over to the carrier and found Isabella seated in the center. Her mouth was partially open, tongue out, and she was sucking merrily on it as if it was a nipple. Oh thank fuck, she was asleep. She's alive.

  His phone was out in a second, dialing number one on the speed dial. Noah answered before it even finished ringing "What's wrong?"

  "Katie's dead. She's at my apartment. Isabella's alive. I have her."

  "Motherfucker. Are you sure the apartment's empty?"

  Fuck. He'd been so worried about Isabella he hadn't finished clearing. He quickly turned on his security feed then manually cleared the two bedrooms, the bathroom, the pantry, and the closets.

  “No one's here. Isabella's asleep. The nanny is dead, Noah. There is blood —" And then he heard the sirens and saw the flashing lights outside. “Noah. The police are already here."

  "Don't say anything. I'll have the lawyer at the station to bail you out before you even get there."

  "Noah, he was here. He did this on purpose. I'm not leaving the baby here on her own. Otherwise I'd –"

  "Thank you, Jonas. Oskar and I are on our way.”

  Jonas had no choice, he wasn't leaving Isabella here. Not without her parents, not without someone who would at least look after her until they could get here.

  The police came right to his apartment with guns raised. As if they knew exactly where he would be and what they would find.

  He set Isabella down gently and raised his hands. "I'm on the job. I work for Blake Security.”

  One of the officers that had barged in first had to turn quickly and take a deep breath at the sight of the room. Yeah, welcome to the shit show. There was a lot of blood. The other officers yelled at him to get his hands in the air and he complied.

  "Like I said, my identification is in my right breast pocket. I work for Blake Security. We're a security firm. I have a license for concealed carry. I came in and found her like this along with the baby. The baby's fine. Her parents are Noah and Lucia Blake. They've been notified of where to find her.”

  "You didn't call an ambulance first?"

  "I knew right away she was dead. You know the pool of blood is kind of a major indicator."

  "Oh, you're a smart ass then?” The officer wrenched his arm behind his back, and Jonas cursed.

  "No, I'm not being a smart ass. I'm just giving you the necessary information so you can do your job."

  "We'll tell you what we need from you. You have the right to remain silent.”

  Jonas was going to exercise that right. At least now Lucia and Noah had their daughter back safe. That was all that mattered.

  As they perp-walked him out of the building, some of his neighbors scuttled back into their apartments, shocked and frowning. Right now he didn't give a shit what happened to him. He knew to keep his mouth shut, but as they tugged him out to the car through the small crowd forming with their ubiquitous cell phones trained on him, he saw the man he was looking for across the street.

  For a second he forgot himself and struggled against the cuffs. But the cops were on him with swiftness and shoved him back in the car. All Jonas could do was stare at David West as he was driven away.

  He didn't know how, and he didn't know when, but he was going to kill that fucker.

  JJ had been so trained to look for Jonas when she exited her office, she didn't even notice right away that it wasn't him who was driving until she yanked open the door. "Hey, any news? Oh —"

  Oskar gave her a wry smile. "Sorry, it's just my pretty face. No ridiculously expensive threads today."

  "Oh is Jonas busy today? Has there been any news on Isabella?”

  Oskar's handsome face morphed into a tight-lipped frown. "Yeah, there's been a development."

  "Tell me." JJ climbed into the passenger seat and clicked on her seatbelt. "Do we know where David is? Do we have a sighting on Isabella?"

  "We don't just have a sighting on Isabella, we have her. She's at the hospital right now with Noah and Lucia, getting checked out.”

  "Oh my God." She doubled over in the seat, clutching her hands on her knees, as a wave of nausea rolled through her. "Did that bastard hurt her?"

  He shook his head. "Didn't look like it. She'd been fed and taken care of. We think he gave her something to sedate her, but other than that she's probably going to be okay."

"Oh my God. I've been so worried. Where did they find her? Where did he leave her? Did he –"

  Oskar shook his head. “I don't have any other answers. All I know is that we have her, and it looks like she's gonna be okay."

  JJ nodded, the relief chasing away some of the nausea, but the spike of adrenaline made her hands shake. "Okay. Thank God. So what now, did we kill David?"

  He shook his head. "Fucker wasn't there."

  JJ slid him a glance. "Oskar, if you want to keep your balls intact, I suggest you start telling me everything from the beginning. If we have Isabella back, why do you look even more German and stoic than before? And where the hell is Jonas?"

  His lips thinned again. "JJ. I'm sorry. When Jonas went home this afternoon, he walked in to find Katie dead in his living room in a pool of blood. A lot of it. Matthias tapped into Jonas's security feed to get a good look at what the cops were seeing. Isabella was there in her carrier, apparently mostly unharmed. But the police arrested Jonas."

  JJ stared at him. "And you couldn't fucking lead with that? They arrested him? Take me to the police station right now. I swear to God I'm going to rip someone a new one. He works for a security company, for the love of Christ —"

  Oskar held up his hand. "Look, I know. I know this is upsetting. I was instructed to take you back to the penthouse."

  She raised a brow. "The hell you will. You're gonna take those brawny shoulders of yours and you're going to drive me straight to the police station because I am going to get him out. If you don’t, your nuts will be your dinner tonight."

  "Jesus, woman. No need to threaten my balls. Listen, we have the lawyer on it okay? He's going to get a bail hearing. Normally, it wouldn't happen until tomorrow, but he's making it happen tonight. The lawyer’s on it. There's not much you can do."

  "I swear before God, I will fill your bed full of dildos that vibrate if you do not get me to Jonas this instant."