Gabe Read online

Page 7

  "I'll just have a cheeseburger and an order of sweet potato fries."

  She winks. 'You got it, kiddo."

  I pull out my phone and start making lists. Despite having slightly less funding, I'm more determined than ever to make this club a success. Over the years I've built up an impressive list of private students but I've always done in-home tutoring. Now I'll finally have a commercial space to meet my students. One of the main reasons I was able to get a loan for this venture is because I proposed a space with dual functions. It will be a jazz club and a small theatre. And during the week when the club is closed, I can use the space for tutoring.

  I was told I'd need a liquor license just to serve alcohol at my grand opening but I'm sure I'll need a different license to serve it on a permanent basis. I put that on the list. Also I'll need to figure out what suppliers to use so I can get the food and drink at more affordable prices. Miss Doris interrupts me to set my food down and I'm halfway through my burger when I finally realize that I'll have to scrap all my plans if I can't figure out how to trim expenses. I could do a scaled down opening but that's not really what I want to do. I wanted to make a splash.

  I take another huge bite of my burger and console myself with the greasy delight.

  On the way out, I leave cash on the table and then I stuff several bills in the tip jar up front.

  I walk out of the diner and cross the street, walking down to my new building. Excitement shivers through me. It's mine! I use the key the landlord gave me to open the door and step inside. It smells musty from being closed up so I leave the front door open behind me to air things out a bit.

  First thing, I take the For Lease sign out of the window and place it on the floor facedown. I'll have to give that back to the landlord later. Then I take a good, critical look around the space. When I was here before I was looking at it for its potential. Now I'm assessing its current condition. The floors are scuffed from where the previous tenants moved out and there's a thick layer of dust on everything.

  In the middle of the floor are some bookcases left by the previous tenant. The landlord told me he would get them cleared out if I didn't want them but I think I’ll leave them. I’m not in the position to turn down free stuff, even if I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it all yet.

  There's not too much I can do until it's cleaned up in here but it's fun to dream about what it'll be like. I pull the door closed behind me and lock up.

  As I cross Main Street again, I take a good look around. It's a weekend and the middle of the day and while there are a respectable number of people out shopping, it's not exactly busy. Nowhere near the kinds of traffic you'd see in Virginia Beach or Norfolk. What was I thinking to try to start a club here? Even if there are a lot of jazz enthusiasts, are there enough to support a business?

  Shaking off the negative thoughts, I get behind the wheel of my car and turn the key. There's a clicking sound. I turn the key again. Nothing.

  This is not happening. Come on.

  Spending the day stranded in the middle of town wasn't exactly my grand plan. I have roadside assistance but the last time I used it, it took forever. I glance across the street at the diner. Miss Doris might know someone who could tow me faster. Then for some reason my thoughts go to Gabe. Didn't he say that he owned an auto shop with his brother?

  No, no, no. You are not calling him.

  My resolve where he's concerned is already shaky at best and there's no way that I can keep my reserve around him if we keep getting thrown together. But when I pull out my phone to find the contact information for roadside assistance, my fingers end up doing a search for Gabe Marshall. G&Z Motors is the top search result.

  Maybe this is a sign. A sign that I need to go after what I want. I snort. I’m not even sure what I want, other than to figure out how to get my club open on schedule. And to see Gabe again. I ignore the traitorous voice of reason and before I can think about it too hard, I dial the number.

  "Hi, I need to get a tow truck."

  * * * * *

  The man who arrives to tow my car isn't Gabe or Zack. He's a small, wiry guy who introduces himself as Jim. I climb up into the cab of the truck while he scurries around the back attaching things and then I hear the motor as my car is lifted onto the bed. Then he's back in the driver's seat and we're off.

  I twist my hands in my lap, wondering what the hell I was thinking. Gabe is going to know that I'm there deliberately to see him because I could have easily called a tow truck in New Haven. My nervousness only increases as we cross the city lines into West Haven. I'm not as familiar with this part of the county but it seems a little more rustic, with lots of tall, hanging trees and lots of farmland.

  Finally we pull into an asphalt parking lot in front of a shop. At the sight of the huge G&Z Motors sign hanging over the door, my pulse picks up. Down girl. I'm not sure why my traitorous body is reacting this way. For all I know Gabe isn't even here. I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans. This has the potential to be really embarrassing.

  "You can go inside, Miss. I'll get your car down and get it into one of the bays." Jim hooks a thumb toward the side of the building where there are what look to be several huge garage doors.

  "Okay, thanks." I push open the door of the big truck and climb down carefully. The truck rumbles behind me as it pulls around the side of the building. When I push open the front door, a bell tinkles softly overhead.

  Straight ahead there's a long black desk with a computer. A small stack of tires sits next to it. There's a man hunched over, typing painstakingly one key at a time.

  At the sound of the bell, he looks up. "Can I help you?"

  It’s Zack. His tattoos are covered by the long sleeves of the blue coveralls he's wearing, but that hair is unmistakable. As I get closer, he pauses and then snaps his fingers.

  "Hey, I remember you. Last night at Finn's party. You're the one Jim towed in?"

  "Yeah. I'm Sasha."

  He comes around the counter. "I remember. Zack."

  I shake the hand he holds out and try to look around without being obvious. Would it be weird if I ask if Gabe's around? Maybe if I don't say anything I can just pay for him to fix the car and get out of here before Gabe even knows I'm here.

  The bell over the door tinkles and I freeze then glance over my shoulder. A young blond guy walks in and waves at Zack. I let out a breath.

  "He's not here. You can relax."

  I look over at Zack innocently. "Who?"

  He snorts. "I know when a woman is looking for my brother. Not sure why all the girls go for that preppy look."

  At his disgruntled look, I can't help but laugh. "Well, some of us like bad boys." Despite all the tattoos and the spikes in his hair, he comes across as cute instead of scary.

  His eyes twinkle. "So what happened to your car?"

  "I'm not exactly sure. It just wouldn't start. It's old so I guess it's finally breathed its last. Luckily it happened after I finished lunch at least."

  He smiles. "Small favors. Don't worry. We'll get you fixed up. It'll probably take a few days depending on what's wrong though."

  A few days? It finally hits me that my car has just broken down. The money from my new gig has kept me current on the rent but there's no way I can afford major repairs on my car.

  "Breathe. It's going to be okay." Zack takes my arm and leads me to the counter. "Let's get you logged into the system and I'll go back there and take a quick look. It might not be a big deal."

  His calm, confident manner is soothing. I follow and lean against the counter, looking around while he logs onto the computer.

  It's much cleaner than I was expecting. Not that I spend a lot of time in auto shops but I definitely had a different mental image. This place is wide open and modern looking. Everything is either white, black or chrome and it smells only faintly of rubber. There's a man sitting in the waiting area watching the television mounted on the wall. He coughs, a wet, rattling sound. I shudder and look back at Zack.

>   He hands over a form and a pen. "Fill these out and then we can get started."

  After I scrawl my name, address and the make and model of my car, he takes the form back. "So, tell me. How does a nice girl like you end up mixed up with my brother?"

  "That's a long story."

  "I've got time. Actually, if you don't mind a little noise, why don't you come to the back and keep me company?”

  "Really? I don't want to be a distraction."

  He laughs. "The day I'm not distracted by a beautiful woman is the day they put me in a coffin and drop me six feet under. After the day I've had, I need a distraction." His eyes swing toward the waiting room. The man there dissolves into another coughing fit before pulling out a tissue and blowing his nose.

  "Unless, of course, you'd rather wait out here."

  I scurry behind the counter, ignoring his soft laughter.

  chapter six


  When Josie called and asked to meet for lunch, I jumped at the chance to get out of the office. This morning, I’d snapped at several of my employees and a customer before Zack finally pulled me off desk duty. He put me to work in the back but even repairing a chrome bumper on this sweet 1970 Dodge Charger wasn't enough to take my mind off the prior day.

  All I could see was Sasha looking up at me while we were dancing instead of the car in front of me. Instead of the wrench in my hand, my fingers kept clenching, remembering her soft skin and the way she'd fit against me when we kissed. If we ever ended up in bed together, it would be explosive and my body wasn't happy with me for denying it the pleasure.

  Josie is one of the few people who understands how to navigate my strange moods. She's also one of the few people who can see through my bullshit and doesn't let me get away with anything. She'll probably get along with Sasha really well.

  No, scratch that. She won't be meeting Sasha. Because you won't be seeing her again. Off-limits. I groan at the thought.

  "What is with you today? You haven't heard a word I've said."

  Josie turns in her seat and glares at me. It's probably a good thing that she's hampered by the seat belt since I know how much she hates being ignored. I always tease her about being a spoiled princess who is used to being the center of attention. She doesn't even bother to deny it anymore.

  Most people see the two of us and assume that we're together but it's never been like that between us. I'm the first to admit that it's weird that we've never been anything but friends. Josephine Harlow is a certified bombshell. With her pale skin, long wavy dark hair and plump lips, she looks like a pinup girl. But there's no chemistry between us. When I see her I just see Josie. Not soft skin and kissable lips. Big doe eyes and …

  "Gabe!" Josie is watching me closely and now she's smiling. "Seriously, what is going on? I haven't seen you like this in … well, ever."

  "Sorry. I've been distracted."

  "I was telling you about my new exhibit. You keep spacing out. You're being even more of a dick than usual." Suddenly she stops smiling. "Does this have anything to do with those pictures you asked me to work on?"

  Josie has been incredibly curious about the pictures and I feel paranoid but I refused to talk about it over the phone. After hearing what Luke discovered, my suspicions don't seem so far-fetched. My father has documents relating to what could possibly be top-secret government spies. Which means that he's either totally innocent or totally evil. Because I can't think of too many reasons for him to have those names in his possession.

  "Strangely enough, no. Not that I'm not worried about that though. I am. I'm not sure if I should say anything to Max about it. But I'm starting to understand why Luke is so determined to stay away from him."

  "Do you really think your father is into something illegal?" She shoots a worried glance at me.

  "I don't know. But I have to find out. Someone was watching me that day at the hotel and if that's the case, how do I know they aren't still following me? Or Zack? Or our moms? Where does it end? I have to figure out what's going on or I'll never feel safe."

  "So what are you going to do?"

  I pull up in front of the shop and cut the engine. "I don't know but I promised Zack to help him with a rebuild this afternoon so we'll have to figure it out later."

  I get out, surprised when she follows me to the door. "You're coming in?"

  "Yeah, sure. I'm not ready to go home yet. My mother's been on my case lately since she found out about the new exhibit. I can't take it anymore."

  Josie's photography career has long been a point of contention with her upper crust parents. They'd much prefer that she'd gone to law school like her older brother. Instead she's been doing portraits and when they found out she's participating in an exhibit showcasing eroticism in art, they've been coming down on her harder than usual.

  "You're welcome to crash at the house tonight if you want. You know we've got plenty of space."

  She grins. “That would annoy Zack and that's always a bonus but I’ve got a date tonight. I do need to pick up one of my sweaters that I left at your house, though.”

  Chuckling I push open the door to the shop. The waiting room is empty but I can hear the sound of voices from the back. Then laughter.

  "It sounds like Zack is in a good mood. That's a shock." Josie follows me behind the counter and into the office.

  As soon as I turn the corner, I stop in the doorway. Sasha and Zack both look over at me.

  "Sasha? What are you doing here?"

  My initial shock morphs into pleasure at seeing her again. Sasha smiles back at me shyly. Her eyes reflect back the same feelings I've been struggling with all morning. Desire, longing and then the strangest of all, joy. Last night I'd resolved that I wouldn't pursue her so in my mind that was the end of it. But seeing her like this, out of the blue, I can't deny that it makes me feel happy.

  Josie appears at my elbow. Sasha glances over at her and her expression closes up.

  "My car broke down. Zack said I need a new battery and a bunch of other stuff that I didn't understand."

  "Your car is in good hands. He's so much nicer to cars than he is to people." Josie smirks at Zack.

  His fingers tighten around the pen he's holding. I'm not sure why Josie loves to annoy him so much but it's been going on since high school. I've given up on ever figuring out their weirdly antagonistic relationship.

  "Actually, I haven't found that to be true at all. Zack was just giving me some advice about my new business venture, actually. I had no idea he was a musician, too." Sasha grins at Zack affectionately.

  The sight sends a sharp stab of envy straight through me. When I look over at Zack, he's watching me closely. So I work to keep the scowl off my face. By his smirk, I'm not successful. My brother loves screwing with me.

  "Zack, Josie needs to pick up something at the house. Would you mind giving her a ride? I have some paperwork I need to finish up before I can leave." If nothing else, it'll get him away from Sasha so I don't feel this insane urge to reach over and drag her away from him.

  He nods and then chucks Sasha under the chin. "Hang in there, Maestro."

  I grit my teeth against another shocking spear of jealousy at seeing that casual touch. Josie and Zack leave so I walk over and sit in the chair behind the desk. Sasha watches me and then clasps her hands in her lap.

  "So … Zack is really nice."

  "You said that already."

  Sasha smiles knowingly. "No, I didn't. How come you're here with me and not going back to the house with your girlfriend?"

  "Josie has never been my girlfriend. Why are you here? No auto shops in New Haven?"

  She looks away and the tops of her cheeks color slightly. I instantly feel like an asshole.

  "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

  "You were just pointing out the obvious. That I'm stupid for coming here. I wasn't going to and then I just found myself looking up the number for your shop."

  Her words bring a smile to my face. She's been thinking a
bout me too. The pissy mood I've been in all day seems like a distant memory.

  "I'm glad you did. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since last night. I shouldn't have kissed you but I'm not sorry I did it."

  "Neither am I. But I'm still stupid for coming here. I doubt I'm your type." Her eyes skitter away from mine and one hand comes up to play with the ends of her hair.

  "I don't have a type." I'm not sure if she's trying to make a reference to skin color or not but I definitely can't let her leave thinking that has anything to do with why I'm keeping my distance. "I've dated women of every background."

  She laughs. "Of course you have. What am I thinking? I'm sure your ex-girlfriends could all compete in the Miss Universe pageant too. You probably have one from every country. Like stamp collecting."

  Now that makes me laugh. She has such a snarky sense of humor. In a way she reminds me of Zack. That's probably why they seem to be getting along so well.

  She stands and grabs her coat from the back of her chair. "Look Gabe, we both have our reasons for not wanting to get involved. I'm not sure what I was thinking by coming here. I just wanted … " She stops talking and suddenly looks down at her hands.

  "It's okay. I know."

  And strangely enough, I do. She was struggling with the same thing I am. The same thing that had me tossing and turning in my bed all night imagining her under me. I've never considered myself that creative but last night my brain conjured up a hundred alternate endings to the night, each one culminating with me and Sasha in bed together.


  At the shrill call, all amorous thoughts leave my mind. I stand and rush to the open doorway. If I have any chance at all of keeping Sasha on the outskirts of my life, I need to head Paula off before she sees her. I skid to a stop in the doorway right before she enters the office.